Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A super nice cabbie...

I heared some muffled noises, and I looked up to see the CO beckoning to me, and I heard a loud CLICK and my cell unlocked.  I sat on a tattered red chair, signed a few things, then was handed what appeared to be an old-style vinyl bank deposit bag.  The cop said 'your wallet and the change that was in your pocket is there.  $7.75.'  I looked into the bag, removed the items, then looked back up at him.  'That's it?  Where's my coat and backpack?'  'That's all you came in with.  Sign here, your ride is outside.'  I scribbled a few lines on a sheet of paper, he gave me an official looking receipt which I crammed in my pocket, and stood up.  I turned and looked at him and briefly thought about commenting on the cleanliness of the place, but instead said 'which way out?'  He pointed down a hallway. 'Two doors then take a right, you'll see where to go.'  I did, and when I made it through that third door, it was pouring rain.  But there was a cab outside.

Normally I try to get in the front seat with a cab driver; I don't know, it makes me feel like a member of the cab brotherhood.  These guys have it rough.  I thought better of it this time, and slid into the back.  I looked at him via the rear-view, and he looked back at me for a second. 'You need money?' he asked. ' How much do you have?'  'Just take me to the nearest ATM and I can pull out as much as I need,' I said.  He stared me down for another second and said,'It's eighty bucks to Manchester.'  I guess my appearance had him a bit worried about the potential profit.  My mind was racing.  I knew I could take out $40, but that was it.  And, I needed a drink, bad.  I said 'Is there a gas station around with an ATM?  Like a mini-mart?'  'That's where we're going,' he said.  'Out by the highway.'  My heart rose a bit as I realized I could grab wine at the store, but still wouldn't have enough money for the cab ride.  Plus it was raining and I was miles from home.  I thought about it for a second.  "Sounds good, no problem.  Let's go.'  I had about 5 minutes to figure this out.

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